On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate (2002)

On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate

Actor Gyung-soo is passed over and decides to leave Seoul and visit a friend. His friend tells him that the Turning Gate legend foreshadows future events. During his visit, Gyung-soo meets Myung-sook, who quickly falls for him. After a night of passion, he boards the train back to Seoul and meets a married woman who claims to know him. Gyung-soo thinks he may love her, but perhaps he's chosen the wrong woman.

Release: Mar 22, 2002

Duration: 1h 55m

Genres: Drama

Country: South Korea

Quality: HD

Actors: Kim Sang-kyung, Chu Sang-mi, Ye Ji-won, Kim Hak-seon, Ahn Kil-kang

Director: Hong Sang-soo

IMDb: 6.7/10

Keywords:On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate #romance#love#remembrance#gate